Sunday, November 8, 2009

Celebrating the small things

I am one of those people that is fairly easily frustrated. Of course frustration leads to aggravation which leads to stress which leads to direct issues with my RA and Fibro. Needless to say, this is one of the things that I am working on.

One way that I am trying to combat this is by remembering to celebrate the small things in life. This allows me to banish the negativity brought on by the frustration and get back to a positive place very quickly.

Some examples of things I am celebrating today?

  • After 15 months- my hair is finally long enough to put into a pony tail again (long story- won't bore you)
  • Getting up early this morning meant being able to watch the sun rise over the trees. 
  • I found some good recipes and articles in the stack of magazines that I have been neglecting- and I will have time today to get them clipped and organized.
  • I was able to update Dad's website this morning and have that task completed for the month.
  • I was given a new neat notebook and pen set this week and I have found a purpose for it. 
  • I was given a reminder to plan my meals and exercise for the coming week.
These are all very small things in the grand scheme, but they are all steps in a positive direction.  My goal is to focus on those small things today- and find more and more to celebrate until my frustration is gone and my heart and mind are at peace.

I hope that you all have a lot of small things to celebrate each day and that they remind you of all of the blessings in your life.  Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

MissDazey said...

You are so right, celebrate the small things. Remember there are always so many more of them that the big things in life.

Many Years ago there was a fad going around to write down at least 5 things everyday to be grateful for. Several years later Oprah did a show about it. (I was going through a bad time when I had peanut butter as number 1 on each days list.)

Having your positive attitude for life..I bet you will fill many journals.