Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year! Welcome 2016.

It's been a very long time since I wrote on this blog.  It's been a long time since I wrote anything at all.  Looking back at 2015 I only wrote 22 posts all year.  I don't know for sure what it was.  Life getting in the way?  Lack of inspiration?  Lack of discipline?  I think it's deeper down than that.  I feel that I have been in a slump all around.  I have let "life" go by and let my stress and worries keep me from things I love, like writing.  I can't do that this year.  I want to make this a great year.  I want to make this a year of getting back to my quiet pursuits.  I want to find my balance.  So- I have made my resolutions:

     1-  I will take make time for my writing.

     2-  I will make time for reading as many books as possible.

     3-  I will take time to just sit and color.  Side note- if you are like me and artistically challenged- Adult                coloring books are amazing for relaxing!

     4-  I will take time to plan and prep my meals and cook from....semi-homemade.

     5-  I will use these things to manage the stress in my life so that I can get back to a place inside where I               can find my center and look to the bright side.

I have lost sight of that in 2015 and it's time to get back to it.  There's a quote going around by Brad Paisley.  It's my goal to live by it this year:

Here's wishing you and yours a wonderful 2016.  Let's make it a good one together!  

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