Saturday, May 14, 2011

Straying off the path and getting back on track

It's funny.  When I spend a lot of time focusing on what I am going to post here about, it makes me focus on my gratitude and positive steps in a very concrete day.  As I read back through my index I see where I have been posting less frequently and somewhat moving away from what I intended this blog to be when it began.  When I look at the corresponding dates, I can see where the stress level has been rising and where I have been allowing more negativity into my offline life.

I need to turn things around and get back on track.  In order to help me do that, I am working on another series in the vein of my "42 Ways in 42 Days" series I did almost 2 years ago.  I think it might be a good idea to kick it off again on my birthday, that way I have plenty of time to figure out in what direction I want to take this.  Kicking around most heavily in my brain at the moment is something along the lines of a "44 Life Lessons" series.

I am going to keep on blogging and let this one simmer a bit but look for a new series in July!  

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