Monday, January 2, 2012

Catching up

Phew!  It's been a busy couple of weeks around here! I haven't posted since the 21st- which, incidentally was my baby sister's 40th birthday.   I had the pleasure of spending Christmas with my NC sister (the birthday girl) and her family at Mom and Dad's, then back home on Monday supposedly to get back to work on Tuesday.  While I was at Mom and Dad's I refused to use their computer  and I don't like using my email on my iPad or iPhone (I hate that it doesn't delete them from the account, only puts them in an all mail section) so I was only online minimally and when we got home I had several hundred O_o emails to go through.  But we got home and unpacked, got the house in order and my email under control so I could go back to work with minimal stress.  Then it happened.  All of the running and pushing myself that I have done recently fought back and knocked me on my butt.  Despite TRYING to go to work every day, I spent the better part of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in my bed, nibbling on saltines and drinking tea.  Friday I got myself all caffeined-up and worked a little longer than a full day and felt like we were in a good place when I left.

This past weekend, I have been on a bit of a techno-break.  I spend a lot more time on my PC than I do my iPad so I shut the PC off and spent the weekend out in the living room.  We didn't do anything exciting for New Year's eve (Big Bang Theory marathon and popcorn from Hubby's new theater style popcorn machine) which was fine with both of us.  Yesterday it was a mini-marathon of Harry Potter movies and relaxing.

Today I went back to work for a few hours before stopping at the grocery to pick up some food to last us through my "rush" period that starts tomorrow and ends on MLK day.  Though I love this time of year because I am busy, busy, busy at work, when I get home all I want to do is walk the pups and get to bed so my home life (and sleep schedule) suffers.  Hubby didn't chose this career for me so I try to make sure I can make it as easy on him as possible by buying quick meals and using my crock pot as much as I can so it doesn't all fall on him.  I think I am ready though.  I bought stuff to make "grab and go" meals- okay, more snacks than meals- for me and then supplies so one of us can cook quickly when I get home.

As for my RA- well, things have been a  Because of my schedule and because of the holidays, I haven't had an infusion since October.  I was worried that I was setting myself up for mega-flares but it hasn't happened.  In fact, I haven't felt any different than I have since I went off the year long course of prednisone.  What that tells me is that the Orencia is not making a difference one way or the other.  So, I have decided that I will call tomorrow and cancel the January infusion and hold off until I see my doc in February.  Maybe it's time for a different medication- maybe it's time to give my body a break for a while and not do any more dmards or biologics.  Now- I am still on my "pain" meds and the muscle relaxers and neurontin for the fibro, but if the Orencia is not doing anything, it is one VERY expensive exercise in futility.

So that's me- that's where I am.  I hope you all had a peaceful and pain-free Christmas and New Year and that you have a healthy and happy 2012!  

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