Sunday, January 23, 2011

Beautiful Things and some news

One thing I am consistently thankful for is that I have met some terrifically talented people in my life. Coming up on 15 years ago, when my sister got married, I had a lovely young lady working for me who was a sculptor. I commissioned her to create a one of a kind sculpture for my sister's wedding gift. I didn't presume to ask for anything specific, I told her what the occasion was and put it in her hands. In the end I got the most beautiful sculpture of an intertwined couple. I was speechless.

My mom, while I was growing up, did all sorts of crafts. She did ceramics and cross-stitch, toll painting and stained glass; crocheting and quilting. Most recently she is in to knitting using the Knifty Knitter and scrapbooking and jewelery. If only I had half her talent and persistance with crafts I would be miles ahead of the game.

My personal attempts at crafts have included crocheting and the Knifty Knitter, cross-stitch and quilting. I made no-sew blankets and pillow quilts, candles and soaps and jewelery. If you notice- except for the candles and soaps- pretty much everything I have tried is tied back to my family. I was pretty good at some of it and not so patient with the rest. I still do some crafts- but I can no longer do the cross stitching (DAMN YOU RA!) which I really enjoyed because I can't hold the needle and material long enough to complete a piece.

Skip to today. If you notice, on the right hand side of my blog I have a new badge. My friend Erica- a fellow RA'er- has the most beautiful crafts that she sells in her Esty shop. She makes bird feeders and bracelets from antique china tea cups (I am SO going to try the bird feeders!) and lovely necklaces and hair accessories. I don't know where she gets her ideas but her pieces are so beautiful that I urge you to check out her shop.

Now for my news. One of my personal projects has been to document my journey, much like I have in this blog, so that I can share it with as many people as possible. I decided that I didn't want to wait until I was "there" because really- who is not constantly evolving? So I have written a short (79 pages) e-book enumerating the different things that I have done, and we can all do, to add positivity and a sense of gratitude to our lives. I have entitled it "Chronically Positive" will be available to purchase through Barnes and Noble's NookBooks for $9.99 next week! At first I was going to wait to see how it was received on before beginning again but I think I have a series in me of different "Chronically" titles. So- I bit the bullet and hit the "Put on Sale" button (and almost threw up as soon as I did it) and now it's on to the next project. If your interest is piqued- I would be interested in having it reviewed by "real" people. The first three readers who contact me at I will send a copy in PDF form so that you can review it. It goes without saying that the copy is for your use only and not for sharing and I would ask that you be willing to post your feedback at a future date.

I think it is so important that we surround ourselves with things of beauty and things we love. Handcrafted items can be so very special because they are made from the heart. When you incorporate into your life things that mean something special to you; be it books, art, antiques, crafts- whatever it is that you love, your home becomes a sanctuary. And can't we all use a place to go where we can just BE?

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