Tuesday, August 12, 2014

It's a Drive By Post!

Morning All!  Just a quick drive-by post this morning as I am heading into my RUSH period at work.  For those that don't know me, that means that it's "Back-To-School" time and managing a college bookstore, this is my Black Friday period.  It will be crazy busy for the next 3 weeks and I will be working 6-7 days a week.  It's wearing- and exhilarating at the same time.

Yesterday started the latest round of Oprah and Deepak Chopra's 30-day meditation "course".  This is a great time for this for me personally because I get their email in the morning, then in the evening when I am trying to shut off my brain so I can get some sleep I repeat their "Centering Thought" over and over until I drop off.  It's VERY helpful.  I am going to post today's email below to share with you along with a link if you want to join in.  Have a wonderful day!

Day 2 — Feeling Inspired
Welcome to Day 2 of Expanding Your Happiness.
Today in meditation, we connect with our inner being, the source of all inspiration, creativity, insight and joy. In opening our hearts and minds to pure spirit, we allow ourselves to take it in to recreate and to renew ourselves. Inspiration is not only for artists and visionaries, we all benefit when our lives are refreshed and revitalized with spirit every day.
Meditation opens us to infinite possibilities and allows us to remake ourselves anew each time we sit in silence. To feel inspired is to step into the present experience unfettered by past disappointments and future fears. You are free to participate in the creative joy of life in the moment.
Our centering thought for today is:
I am filled with spirit.


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