"Get out of the problem, get into the solution." Trace Adkins via Stephen Baldwin
Trace goes on to say;
"It's a perfect way to put it and a good way to look at things. Get out of what caused this situation to be the way it is and just start focusing on what's going to make it better and where to go from here, and not waste your time and energy and thinking (on something) that you can't do nothing about" (Country Weekly Magazine, August 22, 2012)
This just spoke to me this morning. I was
so tired and cranky when I woke up. I worked a lot of hours last week at my regular job. I then administered the SATs bright and early Saturday morning and then packed up the dogs and drove to my folks right after(which was my highlight). Sunday, Auggie and Harley got out of the gate at their house. Harley didn't make it farther than the front of the house but Auggie took off running and I ended up walking, calling and whistling for him, around the subdivision while Dad drove around looking for him for an hour or so before *thankfully* one of the neighbors called the number on his tag and we got him back. Yesterday morning I worked an event down there, went back to Mom and Dad's, gathered the dogs, driving back home last night just worn out. Today is my "late day" at work, meaning I close tonight so I should have been able to sleep in but was up with the chickens. I dragged myself out of bed this morning and looked around and can see a million things to do around the house. It just made me want to crawl back in bed and stay there for the day or maybe the week.
While I was curled up, watching some of this weekend's DVR, waiting for my coffee and meds to kick in I read this article. Trace was talking about the fire that took his home (as a result they have moved into their "country home" that he has been working on for years) which is exponentially larger than anything that I am going through, but it just resonated.
There's nothing I can do about last week and how tired I am. There's nothing I can do about how the housework has piled up. There's nothing I do can do about getting out of bed when I should have just rolled over and tried to get a little more rest. There
IS something I can do about how I go forward.
First, I can take a deep breath and get ready to face my week. Getting it all out here helps.
Second, I can make it a point to do a little bit of housework every day this week. Besides a TON of laundry to fold (which I can bang out tonight in an hour or so) the most of the issue is clutter. I have got to let go of some "stuff" and organize the rest. I think I will give Flylady a shot again. Last time the emails where too overwhelming but I really need to get this done. I know that if/when I get caught up, I will be good to go- I just need to get into a routine.
Finally- that magic word I just threw out there- routine. I know that with my medical issues I need to be in a routine or my energy will be completely sapped. So when, like tomorrow, I have to break my routine ( I have another event that will keep me out of the house till 10pm or so) I have to rearrange my my schedule so I can make up for the down time. I can't keep trying to run on all cylinders- I just don't have them any longer to run on and I know better than that.
I know what the problems are- now to focus on the solutions.