Sunday, March 29, 2009

26 years and counting

In May of 1983 (it was either the 30th or 31st since it was vs the Chicago White Sox) Jim and I went on our first "date". We went to a Red Sox game with a youth center group. Though we were off and on as often as a light switch for another year, we have been pretty much inseperable since then.

This weekend, I had to send Jim home to essentially say goodbye to his mom. Given a choice it is not the journey I would have had him make alone. I would much rather have been there by his side.

One good thing that came out of this weekend is that I was reminded in a thousand little ways that after those (almost) 26 years- I still miss him so much when he is gone. Though that made it a tough weekend- I realized how fortunate that I am to still love him that much.

I am also very fortunate that I have little Miss Harley to keep me company while he was gone- or I would have spent the weekend talking to myself!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I am just blown away by people's kindness and generosity.

Jim's mom is very sick. She has been battling cancer since September. A couple of weeks ago we found out that the tumor was back and that there were two this time and there was nothing else to be done. She has been given just a few months, tops, by her doctors. We had planned on doing what we needed to do to scrimp and save and send him back to see her at the end of April. He needs this. He didn't get to say goodbye to his grandmother or his sister and he has been hanging on just with the hope of getting back to see her. Yesterday, his youngest sister called and said he needed to get back sooner if he wanted to spend time with her- so I did everything I could. I scrambled and juggled and got him on a plane last night. It hurts my heart that he has to go through this without me, and it hurts my heart not to be able to go but we have to make sacrifices. And I digress.

In the last two weeks- two very, very generous people have pulled me aside and offered to loan us the money so that we both could go back to see her- and that doesn't include the generosity of my parents. We could not take their offer. It is a little bit of pride mixed with a lot of seeing that kind of situation go bad but I am ever thankful that they would offer to begin with. We will work things out- we always do in the end. But I cannot get over how kind and generous these folks are- one even offered to "babysit" Harley!

There is so much to be thankful for- even in a terrible situation. This is a great reminder of that.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

It is a beautiful Sunday morning. :-)

Miss Harley woke me up at about 4:15 so we went out for our walk. It is not too cold out,just brisk enough to make you grateful for the 60's we will hit this afternoon.

My parents came this weekend. Usually we go to them but every few months we switch it up a little. We had an event being held by the Kentucky Parks and Recreation staff called "Caching for clues." It was a murder mystery set in the park and the clues were in the nine caches. Then they provided a chili lunch and raffle as we discovered the answer to the mystery. Mom didn't have as much fun as I would have liked- but dad and I enjoyed ourselves and I got to meet Carrie, the lady who introduced us to the sport, which was wonderful. I am so glad that they were all able to come and enjoy the day with me.

Mom's lack of enjoyment is a byproduct of her stroke I believe. She got frustrated because she couldn't quite follow what the clues said and meant. She told us after that she needs to be able to actually read them (we all took turns) in order to process them. Now we know and next time she can read them all if she likes. Even if she didn't enjoy it as much as we did- I am grateful that she was able to go and that she is doing so very well.

I love spending time with them. Whether we are just hanging out at their house, or doing something like this, it is just enjoyable. I listen to other people's crazy, sad, dysfunctional stories and I am so thankful for growing up in the family I did with parents who are fun, loving, generous people who are not afraid to show affection for us or for one another.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

10 Hours of Sleep!

So we have found the "new normal" with my Enbrel injection day. I take my shot and get about 5 hours where I feel like I am on Speed. Those are pretty productive hours. Then- CRASH. Yesterday I took Jim's suggestion and took it at lunch time. So I had a normal morning, took my shot, then got a lot done in the afternoon-lol. I went home, foreman'd up a burger and baked some fries, ate them and by 6:45 I was done for the day. I went upstairs intending to read until I fell asleep. It took all of about 3 minutes and I didn't get up till quarter to 5 this morning. I woke up around 1 for a couple of minutes and again around 3 for a couple of minutes- both about long enough to ask myself if I should get up. Needless to say- that didn't happen.

This morning, I have some swelling in my hands and ankles but the only stiffness is in my back. All in all, I feel pretty good!