Well, I started my Enbrel last night and it looks like it is going to be very different than the methotrexate.
On Methotrexate days (Sunday), I get up get a cup of coffee, take my folic acid and tramodol (pain med) and relax a bit and let the tramodol kick in. Then I give myself my shot and enjoy more coffee it works it's way in. I know when it hits because I have to take a run to the bathroom-lol. After that- the exhaustion and fuzziness kicks in and for the rest of the day I am very happy to curl up on the couch and sleep off and on as the medicine does it's magic.
The Enbrel- well, it looks like that is going to be a bit different. I took my shot about 7 pm last night with the visiting nurse there to make sure I didn't have an allergic reaction and everything went smoothly. About an hour later, nausea kicked in and I was feeling fuzzy but wired/shakey at the same time. I went up to bed around 10:30. I slept half of every hour until about 3:15ish when I got out of bed and just watched a beautiful thunderstorm. We are now 11 hours later and I am still a little on the wired side and a little of the nausea. Obviously this will be a good daytime med- not nighttime.
By 4:15, I was feeling a little whiney. I was feeling like a pharmacy with the folic acid and tramodol every day and now two shots a week that I was packing up to go to Mom and Dad's for the weekend. The side effects from the different meds definately impact not only my life but Jim's every day and mom and dad's when I visit them. So I was feeling a little sorry for myself. Then I turned on Oprah from yesterday and it was the kick in the ass that I needed.
Oprah was visiting Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Just watching these men and women who have lost so much in service to our country makes my situation pale in comparison. More imporantly- their attitude of survival and victory over their losses have really given me a jolt. If they can triumph over such horrific injuries- I can suck it up and deal with a few meds and side effects.
Thank you Oprah for this particular show at this particular time! Even more so- my eternal gratitude to the men and women who serve and sacrifice so much for our country.
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