I have said it before and I will say it again. I am so, so very blessed to have the parents that I do. I am very aware of it and I give thanks for them often. Being a military family is somewhat unusual. Most will never know what it's like to pick up and move every other year, to spend year(s) away from your family on "Temporary" duty or remote assignment while supporting your family on very little money and a whole lot of ingenuity. This, of course, was in the days before the internet, before email, before skype or cell phones. It was the days of keeping up with the family through crackly phone calls during an allotted time because it cost so very much and snail mail. But here's the thing: Mom and Dad never made it seem stressful. They always sold it as an adventure. We never knew how much they struggled financially- the made it work. We never knew how much strain all of the politics (and if you think the military is bad- you should see the Wive's Club!) caused. We never knew how crazy we made them. They handled military life and raising children with so much grace that we could all only hope to be as good of people as they are. They have supported us girls in all of our decisions- good and bad, and after 55 years together they are still crazy about one another. They set the bar high on how to conduct yourself in all areas of life.
So today, on this Father's day- I share them with you. I love you Mama and Daddy. Thank you for my sisters, thank you for being role models and thank you for teaching us to be open, loving people.